Jun 4, 2017

Pride Chat #1: Sexuality is Fluid!

Hello my loves and happy Pride Month to every single LGBTQA+ person on the planet, whether you celebrate openly or from the closet. Pride Month is a big one for anyone in the LGBTQA+ community, since for one month, the Gays™ are out and about and living life extravagantly, and I love it. There's something about Pride Month that just brings the whole community together and everyone feels good. For one month out of the year, we can finally feel normal in a heteronormative world. Pride Month is celebrated each June to honor the Stonewall Riots in Manhattan in 1969, a turning point in the visibility of LGBTQA+ people in the United States. The last Sunday of June in the U.S. was initially Gay Pride Day, but the date is flexible- now stretching the entire month of June! The landmark Supreme Court Case Obergefell v Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage throughout the U.S. and its territories, was also decided on June 26, 2015, ending the Pride Month of 2015 on a positive note.
Seeing as it's Pride Month and I love telling people how gay I am, I thought I would do a few pride themed chats- one on each Sunday of June. Some will be more serious than others, while some may be more light-hearted and silly. I have a few ideas, so we'll just wait and see. Today's chat deals with something important: the fluidity of sexuality. 
Sexual orientation isn't a choice, but we do have a choice as to what labels we chose to define ourselves. As you grow and get to know yourself/what you like more and more, you may find yourself relating to a label different than what you originally came out with-and that's fine!! Labels suck, which is why many people just like calling themselves Queer, which is a simple way of saying you're not entirely straight, but you're not going to define yourself to a label. Don't worry if your label changes- it's perfectly normal! But just because sexuality is fluid, it does NOT mean you can invalidate someone's sexuality, especially not bisexuality, pansexuality, etc. The fluidity of sexuality doesn't allow you to be an asshole that tells bisexuals it's "just a phase" and they'll "eventually choose" one gender over any others.
No matter what, it's perfectly okay and normal to question your sexuality and not know what the hell you identify as. It's also okay to not label yourself! Don't let society force you into choosing a label- just be yourself and figure it out along the way. Even if you never label yourself, I'm proud of you. And if you change your label I'm also proud of you! I'm proud of every single one of you, whether you're out or not, and whether you label yourself or not. Let's just enjoy life a bit instead forcing people into labels, shall we?
Enjoy Pride Month and I'll see you next Sunday (hopefully)!


Source for the cute pixel pride hearts!

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