Dec 31, 2017

17+ Things I Did in 2017

December 31, 2017 0 Comments

Over the course of this year, I've come to realize that I have done a ton of things. Although in total, this list is closer to 25 things I did this last year, that doesn't sound as cool as 17 things for 2017, so I'm gonna do what I want. Without further ado, let's jump right in, since this post might be a bit of a long one.

Let's start off simple with a few statistics for you. This year, I posted 23 sunset pictures on Instagram, four sunrise pictures, traveled to three different large cities, and I went to six concerts. I would like to say that generally, this year was a good year for me. I graduated high school, started college, and was still teased by my twelve year old cousins who are taller than me. I also spent way too much money at various Starbucks and Targets throughout the year. I also kind of kept up with a bullet journal? I mean from January until July I kept a log and wrote something I did each day, then in August I started an actual bullet journal, though I used it more for personal thoughts and telling what I did each day. Still, I'm counting it as a win for me. Now onto what you came here for; here's some things I did this year.


Okay, so when I was looking through my Instagram and general photos, I literally found nothing of importance from January except selfies and sunset pictures, so let's pretend like this month never even happened. I mean, sure it snowed and that was fun but it wasn't something I did so I'm not counting it.
It was really more of a dusting, but hey, snow is snow


1. Did my annual piano competition and got a Superior, then we drove around my college campus for the first time
2. I got ordained online for shits and giggles
My mom wanted One nice picture so I gave her one and the rest looked pretty much like this


3. Volunteered with my local Special Olympics
4. Spent the day at my university doing a special orientation for the people who got the same scholarship I did
5. Panic! at the Disco concert at the Allen Event Center
During Girls/Girls/Boys the whole arena lit up in rainbow hearts and this was on stage and my gay ass started crying


6. Went to Austin for a journalism conference with my high school's publication department (which I wrote a whole post on HERE
7. Went to my high school's publication banquet where I hung out with friends and got the "most driven" award for the school newspaper
I still think about this random wall in Austin every once in a while


8. Went back to my elementary and middle schools for emotional trips down memory lane in honor of graduation
9. Graduated high school
It was so windy and muggy that day and the robes were so hot I may look happy here but I was literally drowning in sweat lol


10. College orientation for two days
11. Flew to California all by myself and hung out with friends/went to VidCon
Got to meet Thomas Sanders again what a sweetheart

Look at my friend's dog 10/10 reason to fly to California


12. Went to Seattle and hung out with family in Washington
I would 100% die for Pike Place I don't know why I love it so much


13. Finally joined team Apple and got an iPhone
14. Allie X concert at Club Dada in Dallas
15. Started my first semester of college
Allie X, the living legend herself


16. Banks concert at South Side Ballroom in Dallas
17. PVRIS concert at The Bomb Factory in Dallas
Banks put on such a show damn what a woman

PVRIS was also amazing fuck


18. Léon and Wrabel concert at the House of Blues in Dallas
19. Oh Wonder concert at the House of Blues in Dallas
20. Turned 19 and celebrated with The Office themed decorations
21. Applied for my passport (finally)
Wrabel was such a sweetheart not only was he super talented, but he was also hilarious and he came out after his set and took pictures with people

Léon was so so talented we love a legend

Oh Wonder was oh so wonderful (sorry I just had to make that pun)

The kitchen lights block the sign but my mom hand drew the "It is your birthday." sign from episodes 16 and 17 in season five of The Office (a clip of the scene has been uploaded to YouTube HERE)


22. Got my passport!!!
23. Drove to Dallas one day after school and got lost in the city trying to find coffee, then met up with a friend who was visiting on a school trip
This is by far the most American thing I own, which is ironic considering I'm using it to leave America


24. Finished my first semester of college with a 4.0 GPA!!
25. Didn't leave my house for 15 days straight
26. Finally left the house and went to an art museum with my best friend who is back for two weeks before she goes back to school
I don't know who this person is, but I absolutely adore this photo I snapped from the museum the other day

All-in-all, I would consider this a fairly successful year. I'm already planning a bunch of posts for 2018, and I can't wait to see you guys then, but for now, stay warm and happy new year.
