Jul 31, 2019

Moving is Hard and I'm Gonna Complain About It

July 31, 2019 0 Comments

As I'm typing this, I currently have about 85% of my room unpacked. However, there are still boxes all over my floor and these last few boxes are full of all of the miscellaneous shit that I threw in a box at the last possible minute. Might just throw those in my closet and call it done if we're being totally honest. But over the past month I've realized a deep truth about myself that shook me to my core: I suck at moving. You see, as someone who has moved houses a lot in her life, I really thought I had this whole moving thing down, but boy was I wrong. As it turns out, I do not have the whole moving thing down, as I refused to pack until the week before we moved, then when I was packed I missed all of the things on my walls/around my room. We stayed in my last house for four years, which is the longest we've stayed in a house for a while, so I got used to it and I had a lot of things scattered around. Even though the house was really small and didn't fit all of us too comfortably, it was home and I had gotten used to it. While this new house is bigger and nicer, I find myself missing the old house and the ugly ass yellow walls I spent four years complaining about (okay maybe I don't miss the walls because that yellow was truly god awful, but just let me be sentimental and shit). Also, this new house is fully hardwood, so I've been adjusting to that by running and sliding on my socks. Also by sliding my office chair across my room. So basically, I've spent most of my time sliding across the floor.

I also realized this move that I'm pretty sure this is the only time I've handled all of my things by myself. In the past, I think I would just put off packing until my mom ended up freaking out and doing it for me, but this time I packed my entire room by myself. I mostly had books and office supplies, so packing that was easy. Then I got to the miscellaneous things that I still haven't unpacked. For some reason, I'm way too sentimental and I get attached to my things, so even though I know I don't need something or won't use it, I found it really hard to get rid of it. I think this is quite possibly my worst trait. This is how I ended up with a garbage bag full of stuffed animals I don't need or use simply because I couldn't bring myself to throw them away or donate them. Now I don't know what to do with them so they're just sitting on my floor still in trapped in the bag. I also have a bunch of knick knacky things that I haven't figured out where to put yet. On the bright side, I did manage to get some working Christmas lights hanging in my room, even if I got the wrong command hooks that just keep popping off my wall. I bought the right ones today though, so once I get the lights to stay on my wall my room will be mostly done, at least in the lighting department.

In other news, I know I didn't post an update last month, and I had a post kind of written, but I just never got around to finishing and posting it. If you're reading this and do see a June post, it just means that I finally posted the update but I backdated it so I didn't actually post it two months late. If there's no June post then I haven't done that yet or I've scrapped it entirely. A fun guessing game for you. I leave for Seattle this weekend, so my August post will most likely be about that and/or some back to school post. Hopefully I get my motivation back soon, but I haven't had any the last few months, so the posts have been pretty bare. Oh well. See you next month (hopefully).
